David Russell Drunk Driving
Source: OPP
Date: Wed Jul 3 03:40:51 MST 2024

On July 2, 2024, at 01:37 a.m., officers conducted a RIDE Program on Highway 35 in Manvers Township. A motor vehicle approached the officers conducting the program where an odour of alcohol was found to be emitting from the driver. Through investigation the driver was arrested and charged with impaired driving offences.
David Russell, 51-year-old of Newcastle, was charged with:
Operation While Impaired Alcohol and Drugs
Operation While Impaired Blood Alcohol Concentration over 80
In addition to the charges the driver received a 90-day licence suspension and the motor vehicle was impounded for 7 days.
The above mentioned is scheduled to appear in the Ontario Court of Justice in Lindsay at a later date.