26 Year Old Repeat Offender Arrested Again
Source: Area OPP
Date: Tue Dec 31 06:00:28 MST 2024

On December 18, 2024, at around 8:45 a.m., officers from the Manitoulin OPP were conducting routine patrols on Highway 17 in Baldwin Township when their automatic license plate reader (ALPR) flagged a wanted person.
Police attempted to pull over the vehicle east of the Town of Webbwood, but the sedan fled at a high rate of speed.
A short time later, the vehicle was located. As a result of the investigation Saif ALGANAHI, 26 years-old, from London, was arrested and charged with:
Fail to comply with probation order
Operation while prohibited
Fail to stop for police
Careless driving
Use plate not authorized for vehicle
The accused is scheduled to appeared before the Ontario Court of Justice in Espanola on February 3, 2025.