Wingham Couple Drops 80 Pounds To Prove Its Easy & Possible #NYR
Source: WFP
Date: Fri Jan 3 09:00:17 MST 2025

Buck & Jos is taking that same no-nonsense attitude and applying it to something near and dear to all of us: your health. Introducing The Leaner Side of Life, Buck & Jos revolutionary diet program designed for real people with real lives (and real cravings).
The Buck & Jos Promise:
No Gimmicks. No shakes, no powders, no magic beans. Just honest-to-goodness less food.
No Membership Fees. Motivation and support are free. Stop by for advice, accountability, and small, social meals.
No Excuses. Youve overindulged for years. Lets balance the scales.
How It Works:
Eat Responsibly. If it goes in your shopping cart, its going in your body. Leave the crap food on the shelf.
Portion Control. Overeating is a habit, not a necessity. Start ordering meals that match your goals, not your eyes.
Track Your Progress. Smartwatches are available to help you monitor your health metrics.
Be Patient. Nibble your meals, and let your bodys natural fullness cues catch up.
Real Results, Real Fast:
Lose up to 10 pounds/month. (No, you dont need to exercisebut we wont stop you if you want to!)
Save money. Fewer calories = fewer dollars spent.
Feel amazing. More energy, less pain, and happier joints.
The Buck & Jos Experience:
No shame dining. Stop by for a bunless burger, one egg and toast, or even just two chicken nuggets. Order proudlythis is your journey.
Community support. Why eat alone? Join us for small meals and snacks while soaking in a positive, encouraging atmosphere.
Affordable tracking tools. Smartwatches available for just $200 to monitor heart health, activity levels, stress, and more.
The easiest thing Ive ever done, says Buck, whos down 60 pounds and counting. Once I accepted the truth, the math was simple. Eat fewer calories than you burn, and the weight will come off.
Heres a detailed chart of healthy weight ranges for men and women based on frame size (small, medium, large). Frame size can be estimated using wrist circumference in relation to height or other methods. These ranges are approximate and serve as general guidelines.
Healthy Weight Ranges by Frame Size (Height: 52″ to 62″)
Height Small Frame (Women) Medium Frame (Women) Large Frame (Women) Small Frame (Men) Medium Frame (Men) Large Frame (Men)
52″ 100115 lbs 115129 lbs 129143 lbs 110126 lbs 126140 lbs 140155 lbs
53″ 103118 lbs 118132 lbs 132147 lbs 113129 lbs 129144 lbs 144160 lbs
54″ 105121 lbs 121135 lbs 135151 lbs 116132 lbs 132148 lbs 148165 lbs
55″ 108124 lbs 124138 lbs 138155 lbs 119136 lbs 136152 lbs 152170 lbs
56″ 111127 lbs 127141 lbs 141159 lbs 123140 lbs 140157 lbs 157176 lbs
57″ 114131 lbs 131145 lbs 145163 lbs 127144 lbs 144162 lbs 162181 lbs
58″ 118135 lbs 135149 lbs 149168 lbs 131148 lbs 148167 lbs 167187 lbs
59″ 121138 lbs 138152 lbs 152172 lbs 135153 lbs 153172 lbs 172193 lbs
510 125142 lbs 142156 lbs 156177 lbs 139158 lbs 158177 lbs 177198 lbs
511 129146 lbs 146160 lbs 160182 lbs 143162 lbs 162182 lbs 182204 lbs
60″ 133150 lbs 150164 lbs 164187 lbs 147167 lbs 167188 lbs 188210 lbs
61″ 137154 lbs 154169 lbs 169192 lbs 152172 lbs 172194 lbs 194216 lbs
62″ 141159 lbs 159174 lbs 174197 lbs 157177 lbs 177200 lbs 200222 lbs
Frame Size Reference:
Small Frame: Thinner bones, lighter build.
Medium Frame: Average bone structure and build.
Large Frame: Broader bones, sturdier build.
How to Measure Frame Size (Wrist Circumference):
Under 52″: Small: <5.5″, Medium: 5.55.75″, Large: >5.75″
52″55″: Small: <6″, Medium: 66.25″, Large: >6.25″
Over 55″: Small: <6.25″, Medium: 6.256.5″, Large: >6.5″
Under 55″: Small: <5.5″, Medium: 5.56.5″, Large: >6.5″
Over 55″: Small: <6.5″, Medium: 6.57.5″, Large: >7.5″
Consult a Professional: Variations such as muscle mass, age, and overall health should be taken into account.
Side Effects May Include:
Intermittent irritability as you adjust to your new eating habits (but hey, thats temporary).
A sudden boost in confidence as the pounds melt away.
Extra cash in your wallet (finally!).
Ready to take control of your life? Come see us at Buck & Jos and experience The Leaner Side of Life. Eating responsibly has never been this empoweringor this delicious.