More Impaired Drivers Arrested
Source: OPP
Date: Fri Jan 3 09:06:26 MST 2025

On January 1, 2025, at approximately 1:10 a.m., police received a call from a member of the public regarding a single vehicle motor vehicle collision on Grills Road in the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand.
Officers arrived at the location and found an unoccupied passenger vehicle with minor damage. OPP spoke to the caller and investigators were able to locate the uninjured driver at a nearby address.
Police began an impaired operation investigation, and the accused was taken into custody before being transported to a local detachment for further tests.
Joseph MAIKA (age 54) from the Municipality of Trent Hills, has been charged with:
Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
Operation while impaired blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
Fail to report accident
Careless driving.
On January 1, 2025, at around 2:50 a.m., police responded to a report of a suspicious person in the area of Spring Street in the Township of Cramahe. The caller advised that there were persons knocking on doors and individuals were near a neighbours property. The caller was able to describe two vehicles and how one was attempting to tow the other.
Officers proceeded to the area and observed one of the described vehicles travelling at a high rate of speed on County Road 25 and not in control as it tried to pass another vehicle.
Police parked a cruiser in an effort to stop the passenger vehicle however the accused attempted to evade officers and in doing so, collided with the cruiser causing minimal damage and then continued on.
The driver then lost control of their vehicle and entered the ditch as they approached Old Hastings Road. The uninjured individual was then taken into custody along with the commencement of an impaired operation investigation by police. Further lines of inquiry yielded driving prohibitions.
Alexander GREYSTOCK (age 30) from the Township of Douro-Dummer, has been charged with:
Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
Operation while impaired blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
Flight from peace officer
Dangerous operation
Operation while prohibited
Driving while under suspension
Fail to remain.
In addition to future court dates for each of the accused, a further 90-day Administrative Driver Licence Suspension (ADLS) and a seven-day vehicle impound was initiated as per statute.
On January 1, 2025, shortly before 5:00 a.m., OPP responded to a report of a traffic complaint regarding a vehicle leaving the roadway and driving through a field off County Road 45 in the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand.
Officers patrolled the area and located the vehicle abandoned at a nearby forest trails parking lot. Members of the Emergency Response Team (ERT) and Canine Unit (K9) were dispatched to assist with a search for the driver.
As a result of search efforts, the accused was later found in the forest and taken into custody. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) also attended the location to provide medical assistance for minor injuries. Investigators also began an impaired operation investigation, and the individual was transported to a local detachment for further tests and processing.
Bailey LEPAGE (age 25) from Marmora, has been charged with:
Operation while impaired alcohol and drugs
Operation while impaired blood alcohol concentration (80 plus)
Dangerous Operation
Operation while prohibited
Fail to comply with probation order two counts
Driving while under suspension
Fail to remain
Use plate not authorised for vehicle
Novice driver B.A.C. above zero
Driving motor vehicle with liquor readily available
Driving motor vehicle with unsealed container of liquor
Operate a motor vehicle without insurance.
The accused was held for bail to appear before the Ontario Court of Justice in Cobourg and a 45-day vehicle impound was initiated.
The Northumberland OPP urges everyone to plan ahead and arrange for a safe ride home rather than drive while impaired. Call a friend, call a cab or make other arrangements. Remember that any amount of alcohol or drugs can impact your ability to make sound judgements.
If you know or suspect that a driver is impaired by alcohol or drugs, please call 9-1-1.