Hit & Run Driver Facing Numerous Charges
Source: OPP
Date: Sat Jan 4 06:58:38 MST 2025

On December 30, 2024, just after 10:00 p.m., an officer on patrol located a vehicle with no front plate and no headlights on Airport Road, in the Town of Caledon. The vehicle was stopped and found to have significant front-end collision damage. It was later discovered that the driver was involved in a failed to remain collision in Brampton earlier that same day. During the interaction, the officer formed grounds that the drivers ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol and was subsequently arrested.
As a result of the investigation, Surjeet SINGH, 30, of Cambridge, was charged with:
Operation while impaired alcohol
Failure or refusal to comply with demand
Driving motor vehicle with open container of liquor
Drive with improper headlights
Drive motor vehicle, fail to display two plates
Operate unsafe vehicle
The accused is scheduled to attend the Ontario Court of Justice in Orangeville on January 16, 2025, to answer to the charges. The drivers licence was also suspended for 90 days, and the vehicle impounded for seven.
Caledon OPP would like to take this opportunity to remind motorists that failure or refusal to comply with a demand in an impaired operation investigation is a criminal offence. Furthermore, the consequences an individual will face are the same as being charged with impaired operation.
If you plan on drinking or consuming drugs, plan to not drive. Instead, arrange for a designated driver, take a taxi or public transit, or come up with another plan that takes impaired driving out of the picture. If you suspect that someone is driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, it is important to call 9-1-1 to report it. You can also provide information anonymously by contacting Peel Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at https://peelcrimestoppers.ca. When you contact Crime Stoppers, you stay anonymous, and you never have to testify.