Belleville Police Daily Update 03Jan2025
Source: Belleville Police Service
Date: Sat Jan 4 07:03:04 MST 2025

Stunt driving
On 2 January, 2025, at 10:05pm, an officer on patrol observed a vehicle travelling at a very high rate of speed on Old Highway 2 near Old Kingston Road. The vehicle was clocked on radar travelling at 115km/h in the posted 60km/h zone. A 22-year-old Belleville male was charged with stunt driving. The males drivers licence was suspended for 30 days, and his vehicle was impounded for 14 days. He will appear in court on 3 March, 2025 to answer the charge.
On 25 December, 2024, between 10:00pm, and 12:00am, an unknown suspect in the area of Harder Drive and Deacon Place slashed the tires on 10 different vehicles. Police were able to obtain a picture of the suspect who is described as a younger male, wearing a rust brown jacket and blue jeans. Anyone with information or anyone who may have footage of the suspect or incident is asked to contact Cst Brandon Miller at [email protected] .