St. Thomas Police Daily Update 08Jan2025
Source: St Thomas Police Service
Date: Thu Jan 9 06:28:47 MST 2025

While attempting to arrest the individual, the accused became combative, actively resisting while kicking and spitting at police. The individual was transported to police headquarters where a search incident to arrest, found a quantity of illicit drugs.
As a result of, the 44 year old St. Thomas resident has been charged with:
Resist peace officer
Two counts of assault peace officer
Possession of a schedule I substance opioid
Possession of a schedule I substance methamphetamine
Possess unmarked cigarettes
The individual was processed and released on appearance notice.
No injuries were reported. ST25000408
Warrant Arrests
A 30 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Tuesday January 7th 2025, the individual attended the Elgin County Courthouse to turn themselves in on an outstanding warrant for one count Break and Enter, stemming from an incident in August. The individual was processed and released with a future court date. ST25000359
A 28 year old London resident has been arrested. On Tuesday January 7th 2025, the individual attended St. Thomas Police Headquarters to turn themselves in on an outstanding warrant for Assault and Assault with a Weapon following an investigation into an incident that occurred in February of 2024. The individual was processed, attended court and was released on an undertaking with a future court date. ST25000363
A 28 year old St. Thomas resident has been arrested. On Tuesday January 7th 2025, the individual attended the Elgin County Courthouse to turn themselves in on an outstanding warrant for Uttering Threats and Failure to Comply with Probation stemming from an incident in December. The 28 year old was processed, appeared before the court and was released with a future court date. ST25000369
A St. Thomas resident is out almost $13,000 after falling victim to a bank scam. It was reported that while out of the country the victim received a call from who they believed to be a representative from their bank, making them aware of fraudulent credit card transactions. The victim provided their security information after the caller stated it was required to cancel the transactions. The victim later learned several flights had been purchased with their credit card and the call they had received was a scam. ST25000336