STPS Daily Update 14Jan2025
Source: St Thomas Police Service
Date: Wed Jan 15 07:58:36 MST 2025

St. Thomas Police arrest a 50-year-old Quinte West resident after they attended the Police Station to turn themselves in on an outstanding warrant for Criminal Harassment x2. The individual was processed, and released with a future court date. ST25000745, ST24018453.
A 46-year-old St. Thomas resident was arrested on an outstanding warrant, when they attended the Police station to turn themselves in for breaching probation. The individual was processed and held for court.ST25000746, ST24005762.
Cause Disturbance
St. Thomas Police attended a downtown business for disturbance. A 34-year-old St. Thomas resident was outside the location yelling, after following an employee to work. The complainant quickly locked the door and phoned police. The individual was arrested and charged for cause disturbance, and failing to comply with probation x2. The individual was transported to Police Headquarters for processing, and released with a future court date. ST25000750.
Multiple Break and Enters
St. Thomas Police are investigating a break in to a north end business compound. A fence was damaged to gain entry. Security video is being reviewed of suspects and a vehicle involved. The incident is still under investigation. ST25000739.
St. Thomas Police are investigating a break in to a south side church. The caller reported broken windows to the building. Security Video is being reviewed. Evidence is being processed, and the incident is still under investigation. ST25000751.
St. Thomas Police are investigating a break in to a north end business compound. A fence was damaged to gain entry. The suspect/s stole a Coleman dune buggy valued at $1600 and an electric bike valued at $1000. The dune buggy was eventually located a distance away. The bike is still outstanding. Security Video is being reviewed, and the incident is still under investigation. ST25000798.
If you have any information regarding any of these incidents, please contact the St. Thomas Police Service at 519-631-1224 and reference the incident number, or to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).