Zackery FRENCH Arrested Again
Source: Sarnia Police Service
Date: Fri Jan 17 07:10:18 MST 2025

The Sarnia Police Service began investigating and learned that the stolen vehicle had been involved in two other traffic complaints, in South-Western Ontario, one of which resulted in the driver failing to stop for police.
The Sarnia Police Service were able to obtain footage of a male, in possession of the stolen vehicle near Melbourne, Ontario which led to the male being positively idnetified.
On January 14th, 2025 at 8:42am, police recovered the stolen vehicle in a parking lot on Stuart Street in Sarnia and later located and arrested the male at a Mitton Street home.
Zackery FRENCH (22-years-old), of Muncey, Ontario is charged with the following offences:
Possession of Property Obtained by Crime
Operation While Prohibited Under the Criminal Code
Failure to Comply with a Release Order (3 Counts)
Failure to Comply with a Probation Order (2 Counts)
FRENCH was later released on bail by a Justice of the Peace and is scheduled to appear next at the Ontario Court of Justice in Sarnia on February 13, 2025.