CKPS Daily Update 22Jan2025
Source: Chatham-Kent Police
Date: Thu Jan 23 07:05:48 MST 2025

Total Call for Service: 209
911/PSAP Transfers:49
Reportable Calls: 36
Non-Reportable Calls: 173
Property Checks:53
Community Services/Foot Patrol:9
7 arrests were made throughout the day, including individuals wanted for outstanding warrants, failure to comply, and domestic-related offenses.
Key Incidents:
Warrants Case# CK25004134
Date: January 21, 2025, Time: 09:06hrs. Location: Don Hillock Drive, Aurora
A 46-year-old man from the Township of King, was arrested by the York Regional Police Service on behalf of the Chatham-Kent Police Service on January 21, 2025. He was taken into custody during a traffic stop for an outstanding failure to comply warrant. He was later released with a court date of February 24, 2025. We thank the York Regional Police Service for their assistance in this arrest.
Arrest FTC Case# CK25004143
Date: January 21, 2025, Time: 10:37hrs. Location: ONeil Street, Chatham
A 37-year-old female resident of Chatham was arrested for failing to comply with the conditions of her release order. She was taken into custody and is being held for bail.
Warrants Case# CK25004186
Date: January 21, 2025, Time: 16:11hrs. Location: Merritt Avenue, Chatham
A 34-year-old female resident of Chatham was located at Merritt Avenue, Chatham. She was arrested on an endorsed failure to comply with warrants. Subsequently she was released with conditions and a court date of February 24, 2025.
Warrants Case# CK25004208
Date: January 21, 2025, Time: 18:09hrs. Location: St. Clair Street, Chatham
As a result of a person stop, a 52-year-old female resident of Petrolia was arrested on an outstanding failure to attend court warrant. She was released with conditions.
Obstruct/Failure to Comply with Probation- Case# CK25004266
Date: January 21, 2025, Time: 0024hrs. Location: Sandys St. Chatham
As a result of a traffic stop, a 30-year-old male, Chatham resident provided false identification to a Chatham-Kent Police Officer. He was arrested for obstruction and found to be in breach of his probation order. The arrested person was transported to Chatham-Kent Police Headquarters, where he was released with conditions and a court date of March 03, 2025.
The Chatham-Kent Police Service remains committed to ensuring the safety and security of our community. We continue to monitor ongoing investigations and encourage residents to report any suspicious activities to assist in maintaining public safety.
For more information or media inquiries, please contact the Chatham-Kent Police Service Corporate Communications Coordinator Mrs. Shelomi Legall at [email protected] or Tel: (519) 436-6600, ext. 80648.